Ubisoft Montreal

May 2013 to September 2015

For Honor

October 2014 - September 2015

I worked as a programmer on For Honor's UI team leading up to the E3 showcase in 2015. In that time I worked mostly on the UI framework used by the team and owned a few UI elements, screens, and experiences.

Marketing cover photo for For Honor showing a samurai, knight and viking behind the logo type Marketing cover photo for For Honor showing a samurai, knight and viking behind the logo type

Shape Up

April 2014 - September 2014

I was lucky enough to contribute to Shape Up for a short time leading up to launch. Shape up is a fitness game for the Xbox One Kinect aiming to gameify your workout. My contribution was to the initial experience where the player is introduced to the game mechanics, controls and other important information.

Marketing cover photo for Shape Up showing an athlete in push-up pose lifting the logo type and various other objects on their back Marketing cover photo for Shape Up showing an athlete in push-up pose lifting the logo type and various other objects on their back

Watch Dogs

April 2013 - April 2014

Working on Watch_Dogs was a dream come true: my first foray into AAA game development. This role gave me an opportunity to work on and ship a title across Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.

On Watch_Dogs I worked on the UI team primarily optimizing the 3D aspects of the UI for performance and memory. I also had a chance to contribute to some new menus and hud elements. In particular I spent a lot of time working on the large suite of 3D indicators that appear above characters, objects, objectives and so-on.

Marketing cover photo for Watch Dogs showing the protagonist behind the stylized logo type Marketing cover photo for Watch Dogs showing the protagonist behind the stylized logo type
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