
Hello, I'm Xoorath here on the internet and Jared in the fleshiverse. I'm a Canadian video game developer currently based out of Redmond WA since 2019.

A shape of constant width, for no reason at all.

The good life

On my own time I've settled on a fairly consistent approach to problem solving, learning and helping others. My focus is often on building tools for myself to use or learn while developing. Sometimes I like to make games outside of work too. My favorite kinds of games are factory and survival games like Factorio and Satisfactory.

The work life

In 2008 I chose to make a career out of programming and making video games. Over the past 15+ years I've been learning, programming, leading and sometimes organizing events. Most of my time has been spent as a game engine programmer (or adjacent), with about half of my time so far in a lead or director position.

People often ask if I like programming or management more. I honestly don't know. I just like working with nice people, really.

These days

I'm spending my time with my wife and our chickens, occasionally tinkering on projects like this website or other small coding curiosities and not as much on large side projects as I used to. At the time of writing I'm playing through Starfield and looking forward to the new Cyberpunk expansion when I'm done.