Capital Gaming Expo

April 1 & 2 2017

In 2017 I co-founded the Capital Gaming Expo following the success of the Game and Art Expo I directed the year prior.

CGX 2017 was a two day video game expo with artists, indie game developers, tabletop gaming VR, tournaments and more. There was also an industry focused video game conference run by my co-founder in a conference room in the same venue.

Although the event was a hit with locals and viewed positively by many local game makers: the event was not a financial success. This event ended up being the last game expo I run although CGX continued for a few more years run by my former business partner.

The staff and conference lanyards for the event were designed by local artist Ian Anderson, laser cut by local maker Chris Ziraldo, and "inked" with silver sharpie over many hours by myself with the help of friends.

As a part of the event decor I designed and built three game controller benches/tables that were scattered around the event. A few gamers who liked them ended up buying them after the event.

Other Job in 2017:

Snowed In Studios